

报告题目:Modelling and analysis of impulsive releases of sterile mosquitoes不育蚊子脉冲释放的建模和分析

报告人:宋新宇教授 (信阳师范学院)



报告摘要:To study the impact of releasing sterile mosquitoes on mosquito borne disease transmissions, we propose two mathematical models with impulsive releases of sterile mosquitoes. We consider periodic impulsive releases in the first model and obtain the existence, uniqueness, and globally stability of a wild-mosquito-eradication periodic solution. We also establish thresholds for the control of the wild mosquito population by selecting the release rate and the release period. In the second model, the impulsive releases are determined by the closely monitored wild mosquito density, or the state feedback. We prove the existence of an order one periodic solution and find a relatively small attraction region, which ensures the wild mosquito population is under control. We provide numerical analysis which shows that a smaller release rate and more frequent releases are more efficient in controlling the wild mosquito population for the periodic releases, but an early release of sterile mosquitoes is more effective for the state feedback releases.

宋新宇教授简介宋新宇,二级教授,中国林科院博士生导师,河南省特聘教授,河南省学术技术带头人,兼任中国数学会生物数学专业委员会常务理事等职。2017年获第八届梁希林业科学技术一等奖、中国林科院重大科技成果奖,获全国优秀教师、河南省留学回国人员先进个人和享受河南省政府特殊津贴专家等荣誉称号。主要从事生物数学、常微分方程与动力系统方向的教学与研究,在SIAM Journal on Applied MathematicsBulletin of Mathematical BiologyJournal of Theoretical BiologyMathematical BiosciencesStudies in Applied Mathematics等期刊发表论文160余篇,SCI收录145篇;主持(完成)国家自然科学基金面上项目5项、教育部留学回国人员科研启动项目1项、河南省科技创新杰出人才项目1项和河南省院省科技合作项目2项;出版专著2部。连续五年入选Elsevier中国高被引学者榜单。
