

报告题目:Pharmacokinetic models with simultaneous elimination pathways and endogenous production




报告摘要:Biological agents, such as therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and growth factors, are widely used for chemotherapy or other diseases. Additional to a linear elimination (typical liver or kidneys), these drugs generally should pass a process of internalization/metabolism, which often show significant nonlinear elimination properties. Meanwhile, apart from the exogenous drug administrations, they can generally be endogenously produced. Through mathematical studying of pharmacokinetic models, I will present the pharmacological characterization for such drugs such as rational estimation of drug exposure, principle of dose frequency and so on. Our findings definitely shed light on the fundamental knowledge in pharmacometrics, update the traditional rules that used in clinical practice, and offer some valuable information to support the decision making at all stages of drug development.


报告人简介:吴孝钿,加拿大约克大学应用数学博士,加拿大西安大略大学应用数学系和蒙特利尔大学药学系博士后。主要从事经虫媒传播的传染病的数学建模以及药理学中的药物动力学的数学分析和数值仿真。在《Journal of Theoretical Biology》、《Bulletin of Mathematical Biology》、《Environmental Health Perspectives》、《Journal of Pharmacokinetocs and Pharmacodynamics》以及《Journal of Mathematical Biology》等国际著名期刊发表SCI期刊论文近20篇。现主持国家青年基金一项(NSFC)以及海外加拿大魁北克省博士后基金项目(FRQNT),并参与国内及海外加拿大项目。
