

报告题目:A low-dimensional SIR epidemicmodel with demographics on heterogeneous networks

报 告 人:靳祯教授(山西大学复杂系统研究所)



报告摘要:In this talk, we will propose a network-based SIRepidemic model with birth and death process to investigate the impact ofdemographics on the spread of infectious disease. Using the probabilitygenerating function and moment closure approximation approaches, we close themodel with low-dimensional ordinary differential equations. Stochasticsimulations prove that this model captures the important properties ofepidemic. Mathematical analysis of this model reveals that the basicreproduction number R0 is affected by the demographics, the first and secondmoments of the newborn’s degree distribution. Furthermore, we analyze theinfluence of birth or death rate on the basic reproduction number and find acomplex relationship between them. It is interesting to found that a lagerbirth rate may also inhibit the spread of disease. Our results are verified bynumerical simulations.

报告人简介:祯,教授,山西大学复杂系统研究所所长。现任山西省数学会理事长,中国生物数学学会副理事长,《生物数学学报》、《PlosOne》、《Journalof Applied Mathematics》、《International Journal of Biomathematics 》等编委,美国《数学评论》与德国《数学文摘》评论员。曾获教育部新世纪优秀人才,山西省教学名师,全国优秀教师等荣誉,享受国务院政府特殊津贴,目前也是山西省科技创新团队、山西省高等学校创新团队带头人,国家自然科学奖及国家基金数理学部的会审专家。主要从事生物数学及复杂网络研究工作,先后主持国家自然基金项目5 项,其中重点项目1 项。在《ScientificReports》、《J. R.Soc. Interface》、《PLoSOne》、《Bull.Math. Biol.》、《J.Theor. Biol.》、《Phys.Rev. E》等国内外学术期刊发表学术论文200 余篇,被SCI 收录140余篇。在科学出版社等出版专著6 部。作为第一完成人, 2010年获得山西省科学技术奖(自然科学类)一等奖,2014 年获得教育部高等学校优秀成果二等奖奖(自然科学类)。
