









1. 符号图和符号超图的谱理论及其应用研究, 国家自然科学基金委(面上项目),起止年月2023.1-2026.12



4. 图的能量的研究,国家自然科学基金委(天元基金),起止年月2011.1-2011.12.

5.  图谱理论研究,上海市教育委员会,2007.10-2010.10


1. X. F. Qin, F. Li, C. X. He, R. Q. Pei, X. D. Zhang, Improving visual grounding with multi-modal interaction and auto-regressive vertex generation, Neurocomputing 598 (2024) 128227.

2. Z. M. Zhou, C. X. He, H. Y. Shan, On the sum of the first two largest signless Laplacian eigenvalues of a graph, Discrete Mathematics 347 (2024) 114035.

3. X. J. Zhang, G. Yang, C. X. He, R. Klasing, Y. P. Mao, The number of spanning trees for Sierpinski graphs and data center networks, Information and Computation 300 (2024) 105194.

4. G. Yang, J. N. Zhou, C. X. He, Y. P. Mao, Distance-edge-monitoring sets of networks, Acta Informatica (2024) 61:183–198.

5. Q. Q. Zhang, C. X. He(通讯作者)X. F. Qin, P. S. Yang, J. Y. Kong, Y. P. Mao, D. Li, BiTGNN: Prediction of drug-target interactions based on bidirectional transformer and graph neural network on heterogeneous graph, International Journal of Biomathematics, (2024) 2450025.

6. C. X. He(通讯作者)Die Li, Y. Li, P. S. Yang, Q. Q. Zhang, W. Zhong, H. Y. Shan, H. Dai, L. N. Chen, Identifying Function Modules from Protein-Protein Interaction Networks, International Journal of Biomathematics, (2024) 2350104.

7. G. Yang, C. X. He (通讯作者), Distance-Edge-Monitoring Sets in Hierarchical and Corona Graphs, Journal of Interconnection Networks, 23 (2023) 2: 2250003.

8. L.L. Liu, C. X. He (通讯作者), The maximum principal ratio of graphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 71(2023) 10: 1691–1706.

9. H. Y. Shan, F. F. Wang, C. X. He, Some α-spectral extremal results for some digraphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70 (2022) 22: 7493–7513.

10. C. X. He, J. Y. Zeng, G. Zhang, S. T. Liu, Generalized opinion dynamics model for social trust networks, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (2022) 44:3641–3662. 

11. W. ZhongC. X. He(通讯作者), C. Xiao, Y.R. Liu, X. F. Qin, Z.S. Yu, Long distance dependency combined multi-hop graph neural networks for protein-protein interactions predictionBMC Bioinformatics (2022) 23:521. 

12. C. X. He, Y. R. Liu, H. Li, H. Zhang, Y. P. Mao, X. F. Qin, L. L. Liu, X. D. Zhang, Multitype feature fusion based on graph neural network for drugdrug interaction prediction, BMC Bioinformatics (2022) 23:224. 

13. C. X. He, J. Y. Zeng, Y. Li, S. T. Liu, L. L. Liu, X. Chen, Two-stream signed directed graph convolutional network for link prediction. Phys. A 605 (2022), 13 pp. 

14. X. F. Qin, H. Li, Y. R. Liu, J. B. Yu, C. X. He, X. D. Zhang, Multi-stage part-aware graph convolutional network for skeleton-based action recognition, IET Image Process. (2022)16: 2063–2074.

15. X. F. Qin, H. Y. Guo, C. X. He, X. D. Zhang, Lightweight human pose estimation: CVC-net, Multimedia Tools and Applications (2022) 81:17615–17637.

16. X. F. Qin, R. Cai, J. B. Yu, C. X. He, X. D. Zhang, An effcient selfattention network for skeletonbased action recognition, Scientifc Reports (2022) 12:4111.

17. 何常香, 李玉莹, 王文燕. 非平衡符号双圈图的最大拉普拉斯特征值. 运筹学学报, 网络首发时间:2022-05-10 10:24:3,网络首发地址:https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/31.1732.O1.20220509.1103.012.htm

18. 何常香, 王文燕,刘乐乐,关于赋权非正则图的特征值和特征向量运筹学学报网络首发时间:2022-04-25 12:22:24, 网络首发地址https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/31.1732.O1.20220424.1147.016.htm

19. L. L. Liu, H. Y. Shan, C. X. He (通讯作者), A proof of a conjecture on the distance spectral radius and maximum transmission of graphsGraphs Combin. 38(2022) 49.

20. L. L. Liu, S. M. Hu, C. X. He (通讯作者), Maximum principal ratio of the signless Laplacian of graphs,  Linear Algebra Appl. 653 (2022), 339–356.

21. M. Q. Wei, C. X. HeY. P. Mao, X. Q. Zhou, Gallai-Ramsey numbers for rainbow P5 and monochromatic fans or wheels. Discrete Math. 345 (2022), 11:  113092.  

22. C. X. He, S. T. Liu, X. F. Qin, X. D. Zhang, Structure aware multi-scale hierachical graph convolutional network for skeleton action recognition, 30th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) 2021. (CCF C)

23. C. X. He, C. Xiao, S. T. Liu, X. F. Qin, Y. Zhao, X. D. Zhang, Single-Skeleton and Dual-Skeleton Hypergraph Convolution Neural Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition. ICONIP 2021, LNCS 13109, pp. 15-27. (Oral).  (CCF B )

24. X. F. Qin, M. M. Xu, C. Y. Zheng, C. X. He, X. D. Zhang, Multi-scale Feedback Feature Refinement U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2021 (Oral).

25. C. X. He, W. Y. Wang, Y. Y. Li, L. L. Liu, Some Nordhaus-Gaddum type results of Aa-eigenvalues of weighted graphs, Appl. Math. Comput., 393 (2021) 125761. 

26. C. X. He, Y. Y. Li, H. Y. Shan, W. Y. Wang, On the index of unbalanced signed bicyclic graphs, Computational and Applied Mathematics, (2021) 40:124. 

27. C. X. He, S. J. Qian, H. Y. Shan, B. F. Wu, The signature of chordal graphs and cographs, Graphs Combin., 37 (2021) 643-650. 

28. P. K. Zhang, B.F. Wu, C. X. He, Balancedness and spectra of signed graphs obtained by H-join operation, Computational and Applied Mathematics, (2021) 40:90.

29.  H. Y. Shan, C. X. He(通讯作者), Z. S. Yu, The energy change of the complete multipartite graph, Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 36 (2020) 309--317. 

30. C. X. He, W.L. Liu, B. F. Wu, Minimum fundamental cycle basis of some bipartite graphs, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, 17(2020) 587-591.

31. L. L. Liu, C. X. He, L. Y. Kang, Saturation number of Berge stars in random hypergraphs, Electron. J. Combin. 27(4) (2020) P4. 45.

32. C. X. He, H. Y. Shan, The signature of two generalizations of line graphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 575 (2019) 159-173. 

33. 赵志敏,何常香(通讯作者),徐光辉,广义线图与{C41 ,K13 , K1,4}-free 图的符号差高校应用数学学报A, 2019, 34: 492–500.

34. C. X. He, E. R. van DamLaplacian spectral characterization of roses, Linear Algebra Appl., 536 (2018) 19-30.

35. C. X. He, Lin Lei, Haiying Shan, Anni Peng, Two subgraph grafting theorems on the energy of bipartite graphs, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2017, 515: 96–110.

36. C. X. He, L. Z. Xu, S. Q. Liu, Some Results on the (Signless Laplacian) Eigenvalues of Graphs Obtained by a Generalization of the Join Graph Operation, Advances in Mathematics, 41(2015) 871–881.

37. 何常香, 刘世琼, 星匹配数与(无符号)拉普拉斯特征值, 高校应用数学学报,2015, 30(3): 333-339

38. C. X. He, S. Q. Liu, B. F. Wu, Three distance characteristic polynomials of some graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications. 452 (2014) 281–291

39. C. X. He, M. Zhou, A Sharp Upper Bound on the Least Signless Laplacian Eigenvalue Using Domination Number, Graphs and Combinatorics (2014) 30:1183–1192.

40. C. X. He, L. Dong. Y. S. Li, Three-Color Ramsey Numbers of Kn Dropping an Edge, Graphs and Combinatorics (2012) 28:663–669.

41. C. X. He, H. Pan, The Smallest Signless Laplacian Eigenvalue of Graphs Under Perturbation, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 23(2012) 473–482.

42. P. Chen, C. X. He (通讯作者), On the Spectral Radii of Trees With Given Domination Number, Advances in Mathematics, 41(2012) 225–232.

43. 陈永玲,何常香,二部双圈图的拉普拉斯系数,2012, 1–9.







